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▲ 広告なので 触らないように(笑)▲ 制作者の紹介は コチラを確認ください ♪
Behind Story - Interviews
"The Beatrice! In Their BORROWED Words"
To avoid "Communication Breakdown", often done their interviews using borrowed words to express BETTER how they think. Here, we thank Led Zep for their interview folio.

Early logo of the group - Now UN-Official
So please do NOT use or download.
Forming The Beatrice!
Pete: From the VERY beginning, I was going to form a group called "The Beatrice!". Yes - it's my idea, but simply was a kind of JOKE on Twitter or somewhere - the word sounded FINE like The Beatles... isn't it?
Then after a while, I just wondered if forming a VR group and making a song both inspired by and respected to Vintage Rock music on the sound and the story of Princess Principal on the lyric, that would be SO cool and hip...
So I had tried to write my 1st original song - "Dorothy" as you know, then recorded as private, what was NOT SO BAD both to listen and to enjoy - Then I made the group continue to make more songs.

Song Writing; Lyrics
Pete: From the VERY beginning - yeah! as PART2 -, I had decided myself to write my songs IN ENGLISH- whose idea had really come to me via the songs used in "Princess Principal" - where all songs made in English - Unbelievable in usual Japanese anime!!! Encouraged by that - while being NON native speaker I've been writing my songs in English.
Although me loving Rock music and singin' in English from the very childhood era - my mom often said from circa 3 years old singin' in Japan-glish my dad taught me, this was a HUGE risk to try... Yeah, of course, I'd NEVER done before!
However, it's been not so difficult but interesting since then - cos I've been honestly using some technique "Borrowing words from others" - under a certain quality level , paying my attention to Copyright law, and... well, I NEVER mind a lot if my lyrics being Grammatically correct or True intention etc... For example, I often try to chose much better words by the sound or the pronunciation - than by their meaning in Lyrics.
So, if someone says that my song lyrics are NOT correct - just like the interview HERE- I do NOT care basically... while may be caring for... "Is this COOL?" - as Rock Music for YOU!

Song Writing; Music
Pete: I simply wonder sometimes that someone might regard me that... "Stealing the Music!!" - well, I suppose Yes or No ;-)
Strictly saying under Copyright laws, all of my songs NEVER checked out of law by AI system - taken by YouTube and others. My songs - especially as the melody - would be ALMOST FULLY original... but HOW about Arrangements, Riffs used in the guitar plays, and Total sound making? Here again I wonder - If someone has been punished by stealing the Riff by Chuck Berry's R&R ever?
This must be the BIGgest issue to treat here, so I do NOT want to talk more, however, I've been thinking SIMPLY like this just FROM THE BEGINNING;
a) If you know the original song where I have borrowed the imagination, you would smile a little through your enough experiences and huge love for Rock Music.
b) if you're young enough to know the originals, you might feel the song has a lot of unique qualities - while I hope that you should know the originals - of course, those are much better than those of mine... ;-)
So, please enjoy both my songs and the originals - what have been making me inspired a lot FOREVER!!

Playing Music; Gears, How-to, etc.
Paul-Ent (Bass): I wasn't into "The Beatles" at first, but soon followed Pete's interest in it. About my play, however, I don't mind being in the background - rather than try to lead on bass, prefer to put down a GOOD, SOLID bass line, like Led Zep, Queen, and The Beatles!
Beato (Drum): I enjoy playing - even if being a kind of MECHANICAL part for myself. People hadn't really taken much notice of drums, however, feeling is a lot more important in making drumming than technique. I think being original is what counts - especially fitting to the whole sound by the group, like "The Beatrice!""
Daltrey IIIrd (Vocal): My father is an English aristocrat... so, R&R is NEVER my FORMAL activity - but I LOVE it ;-) Still I don't know how my voice sounds for you, but hope you enjoy my singin' and acting on the stage!!
Pete (Guitar): My guitars? Cheap ones! VERY VERY Cheap!! But I know HOW they can sing for & with me!!! Also, I NEVER forget to connect my gears to (Vintage) "SansAmp" - One of my OLD FRIENDS since 90's (Albion Years!).
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